Sunday 5 November 2017

Album cover advert production

This my album cover advert production. i started off with the black screen as i wanted to keep the background a dark colour to make everything else stand out around it. Next, i searched for a font that was basic yet it will stand out. I decided to have "1 Second Riot" written at the top of the page so that the audience know who is bringing out the album. After that, i decided to add an effect to the band name in order to make it stand out more by catching the audiences eye with a sharp pink, because this stands out over the black background. Also, i wanted to create the shadow look because i have also used this on my digpiak. I have done this because when the audience sees the advert they will think of the digipak as well, helping it sell. At the bottom of the page i have added in the name of the album and when it is released. This is so that my audience knows the name for when it is released. Next, i needed to find a photo for my advert, i was going to use one of Jack but i was unable to do this. Therefore i wanted to use my skills and try and create a image that i haven't seen before; this is then when i came up with the idea of using my face behind a palm of hands. I then wanted to experiment with the colours and changed the back ground to white. However, i am going to stay with using the original as you cannot see the name of the band as well, which is not what i want, because the audience needs to see the band name so that i can sell my product.

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